Thursday, November 18, 2010

Awesome Responsibility

Today, some of our charity crafters were talking and one mentioned a possible local place for our handmade hats, fingerless gloves, and scarves. A Jewish Community Center is a small distribution center for free food for the needy. One of our crafter's friends had noticed while over there one day, that the center was handing out used but clean blankets to the homeless. Our crafter called the Center and found that they will be thrilled to get our things.

The person who had noticed them giving out blankets had also noticed one homeless man, sitting on the ground, eating some beans directly from a can he had just been given in his food bags.
We all felt so sad, to think this man was so hungry, he sat right down and ate right there. It is incredible, at times, to realize how we are so completely unaware of our own blessings. There is a chorus to a hymn that says that whatever we do to the least of His people, that we do unto him. I can easily see that in the giving to others.

What suddenly hit me, though, was a frightening thought.

If whatever I do for the least of his people, the giving, is being done until him, does that also mean that whatever I do, on the negative side, I am also doing unto him? That is an awesome responsibility.

If I am rude to someone, am I being rude to the Lord? If I gossip in a way that could hurt someone's feelings, am I also doing it to him? The list could go on and on. Yes, it is a frightening thought. And an awesome responsibility.

Father in Heaven, please forgive me for all the times I have hurt you and your beloved son, when I have hurt those around me. Fill me, please, with more of an awareness of the consequences of my actions and words on those around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW Evie!! A God-given observation I am sure...and so true----thank you for the reminder! Have you read the new book by Debbie Macomber, "One Simple Act" yet? I have a feeling from your posts that you would appreciate and put it into practice!

Do you have a pattern for the fingerless gloves? I finished all the fleece, am crocheting a simple, but warm, scarf pattern now -- and gloves sound like a very good idea too.

Hope you are healing quickly and feeling better every day.

Looking forward to your post.
