Friday, October 8, 2010

The Tone of the Tone of my Voice

Sometimes I annoy myself when I hear the tone of my voice and it sounds abrupt or short or not-as-nice as it could have been. It's not "what" I've said; it's "how" I've said it.

Usually, it's when I am tired, or stressed, that this happens. I keep feeling that, at my old age, I should be able to control it a lot better than I do. I've been a writer and editor for many years. If I could "edit" what comes out of my mouth, before it leaves my mouth, I'd be very happy. I'd have fewer regrets. But I am not blessed with being able to think before I speak. At least, not yet.

I know at least four people who do think before they speak. Each one, when I first met them, puzzled me. I knew they were very intelligent, yet they seemed "slow" when speaking. It finally dawned on me that they were, indeed, "thinking" before speaking. Amazing concept, and they had mastered it. I'd love to be able to do that.

I've often heard sayings such as "Lord, make my words sweet today because I may have to eat them tomorrow." In this case, again, it's not the words, but the way they are said - the tone.

I've tried. I've prayed, at times. But I have to admit that I have not prayed steadily or consistently. Just here and there, especially after I wished I had bitten my tongue before I spoke.

I guess it's time to pray a bit more earnestly.

Dear God, you know I am not very good at speaking gently when I am tired or stressed. Please send me the grace and gifts I need so that I can avoid hurting feelings with the tone in my voice.

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