Monday, October 11, 2010

Tomorrow Sometimes Comes Too Quickly

So often, I tell myself that I can always take care of a task "tomorrow." Tomorrow, however, can come too quickly.

I've known I was going to have foot surgery in a few weeks, but I mistakenly thought I'd only be off my right foot for a week. Today, I found out it will be 8 weeks. This is a real hardship. I have to get a knee-walker because at 71, I know I would be wobbly on crutches and I do not want to chance putting pressure on that foot and having to go through it a second time. I will also need one of those portable bar-thingies for the bathroom, so I can lean on the bars when getting up and down off the you-know-what. Those are not too worrisome. I had already planned for them.

What I kept putting off was de-cluttering and organizing. I kept figuring I'd be back on my feet before Thanksgiving, and had plenty of time to get the house in a state of glorious-organization.

Now I only have about 30 days to do something, or it won't get done until after the first of the year. For instance, there are boxes and cartons of stuff that I can easily whittle down to manageable level, but I need to sort them into piles: give away, toss out, re-organize.

Everything I do during that 8 weeks will take twice as long and twice as much effort. My crafting will be very difficult unless I get everything into easy-access totes and boxes, now.

It is so easy to put things off. It is so easy to always figure there will be a tomorrow, or a "later." In this life, I've known that this isn't always wise. But now I am more aware of it than ever.

Father, please send me the grace I need to do as much as I can before my surgery, and help me to accept what I cannot do in time, and please forgive me for putting it off for so long.

1 comment:

Micki said...

Oh hon, just get done what you can and don't beat yourself up if it isn't all done. Have kiddo bring out a box here and there for you to do while your healing. Then you can utilize the down time doing that. Have an empty box for charity, a box for keeps and a box for freecycle.
But really, just take the time to relax when your home from surgery. Wish I was closer, I could help out... the kids could too! LMBO!!!!