Sunday, October 24, 2010


It doesn't seem as though 4 days have already passed without my posting to this blog. My leak, mentioned in my last post, was fixed the next day, for only $85. It was definitely a heads' up from the Lord. I do need to do a sealant on that "tin" roof on this old mobile but it will have to wait for a while. I need to replace an old water heater that is on its last legs, first. I hope to do that before Christmas, and seal the roof as soon as possible after that.

Having your own home, whether it be a mobile on a rented lot or a landed home, costs money. A mobile is less expensive than a landed home, but it's still expensive when it gets older. At this point, I can't afford simple quick fixes. The leak is an example. I fixed a few this past Spring. And if I don't get a Pro to seal it, it will be a constant worry every time it rains. Not to mention water damage, and worry about the water getting to wiring. At this point, to get back to my train of thought, I need to do fixes that will last at least 10 years, wherever possible.

My worries are no different than yours. You may be in an apartment instead of your own home. I did that for over 50 years. It has its own worries. The last place I rented, the landlord upped the rent every year by $50 a month. My paycheck did not increase by $50 a month, so it was always a worry.

Finances are big problems these days. God tells us that we should be like the lilies of the fields. They are clothed in splendor and yet they toil not. We toil. Oh, wow, do we toil, many of us. But I don't recall ever being as beautifully clothed as a field lily. What I do know is this: God always, always pulls me through. Somehow. It's not always the way I expected. And it's not always what I wanted. Not always what I prefer. But, somehow, it's always the right solution, in the long run.

Father, help us all with your abundant grace when we begin to fret and worry about our life's needs. Help us to keep our minds open that we may see your love and compassion in our lives.

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