Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Patterns

I've recently decided to make some changes in my life. Mostly, the changes will be in letting go of commitments that others can do as well as, or better, than I can. Also, I will be enjoying the time to do the things I have longed wanted to do. One of those things is to publish some craft designs and patterns.

Now, I'm not a fancy designer. Mostly, I make patterns because I either could not find something I wanted already out there, or what was already out there was not exactly what I wanted.

I've lined up a few pattern testers, and they are already checking my typed instructions for the first little project. I have lots more in mind.

Where I differ from many current designers is in the way I offer my projects. Most of them will be free. Most of them, also, can be used to make things not only for a crafter's personal use, but also to sell, if they want to. The only requirement will be that they always, when selling or sharing my pattern, include a line that gives me credit, and also points to my pattern's website.

There are a few others out there who already do this; not many, but a few.

I can't wait to start sharing mine.

I also have quite a few that my DM made, knitted patterns, and I can't wait to type them up from her handwritten notes, to see if I need to make any changes. It's sort of a memorial to her, late as it may be.

Mostly, I really enjoy sharing. This is one way to do that.

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