Saturday, May 29, 2010

Making the Effort

I've posted under the Prayers part of my blog about how God helps those who help themselves, and how I've been complaining about my financial situation but that I have not been using all the resources he has given me. Most of these are free. I have the internet to help me find markets for my writing; I have a healthy stash of yarn and threads for handmade items; and if I use it wisely, I probably have more time than I realize.

Time is tricky. Unless I really take the time to examine the way I use it, I often think I do not have any. Every few months I need to examine what I am doing with my time.

I did yesterday and today. In yesterday's post, I realized I could probably find an hour a day, each, for my for-profit efforts in writing and handmade items.

I always seem to find time for volunteer efforts for both of those. But I cannot continue the volunteer efforts if I go under financially. Two hours a day is not a huge chunk of time. I decided this morning that I could give one hour in the morning and one in the late afternoon or evening.

I've already found some markets for my writing and hope to submit some material tomorrow. As for my handmades, I hope to re-examine what is in my store and delete some and add others.

Yep, it's all in making the effort. I feel so much better already, having taken those first steps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was beginning to think all my charity giving was some how stressing me out, when it was me, who was stressing me out. I had to back out of two charities I promised to crochet for, I've lost count of how many people I had e mailed, and said I would send items. Lesson learned, it's all a lesson, isn't it? I know good things are coming your way. Have a great and successful week.