Monday, May 31, 2010

Ask and We Shall Receive

I've always loved the idea of the "Ask and ye shall receive" notion. Still, I hate to ask for trivial things. But it is the trivial things that annoy us the most.

I looked all over my cluttered home today for a nylon duffle bag that we knew was here. My nephew needs it for work. I found 3 others, plus a small piece of very good luggage. After dusting everything that needed dusting among my "finds," I realized that it might just help if I asked for help. I took a deep breath and did just that. I went into the kitchen, got rid of the dust, and put my "finds" into a neat pile. For some odd reason (yeh, I know the reason), I felt a need to go into the pantry that leads to the back door of our mobile home. There on the top of one pile against an unused window was the one I was looking for. How neat is that?

I asked for a few other things of late, too, that I didn't think were important enough to bother God with. Still, they needed to be done or gotten or found or whatever. Each time, when I took the time to ask, it was granted.

Now, I am old enough to know that sometimes the answer is "no." But that's all right if I know that "no" is the answer for sure. That just means I can move on and stop wasting my time wanting something that God knows is not in his plans for me.

Father, short as this testimony is, I had to share it. I also had to write it, to remind myself of your love and your way of always keeping your promises. Thank you!

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