Friday, May 28, 2010

Even Wiser Use of Resources

Back in the beginning of April, I blogged about the Wise Use of Resources. Time gets away from my good intentions, I'm afraid. I must try again to start using the gifts that God has given me outright, plus the skills he has guided me to learn.

I'm 70, and my middle-aged nephew, living here with me, is only 54. That doesn't mean he will outlive me. There is never any guarantee about these things. So, considering how I would live on just my SSA, if I ever had to face that, I think I really need to beef up my income.

Years ago, when I began freelancing as a writer, before I even got my first staff writing position, I loved writing very short items, called "fillers" by the periodicals. They took little or no time or effort, very little research, and were often either humorous or informational. For this, I was rewarded with frequent small but fun checks. It seemed like a week did not pass without a wee check for $35, or $50, or even $15 or $7.50. I was averaging $50 or more a week, doing very little. Considering inflation, and the fact that this was over 40 years ago, I surely ought to be able to pull in that much and more in today's markets.

I know what's wrong. When a writer stops submitting unsolicited material, a fear sets in. "What if I've lost my skills?" "What if the markets have changed a lot and my style does not fit their needs?", or "What if I've lost it altogether?" I do not suffer from "writer's block," but more from "fear of rejection." The only way I even found to cure that, or override that, is to submit material, lots of it.
So, I must begin writing for free lance publication again. That's one way of picking up more income.

Then there are my handmade gift items in my Etsy store. I have not done much to market them. The tools and tips are out there. I just need to focus a bit more on these things.

Maybe I need to set a time each day - an hour for "for-profit writing" and an hour for marketing or posting handmade gifts. That would be a start, and a focused one.

Father, I need your help here. I've allowed life's million-and-one details to side-track me. I cannot complain to you about my income if I don't ever try to help you. There is that old saying that "God helps those who help themselves." Well, with your grace, I hope to start helping you to help me... thank you for being there.

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