Sunday, May 16, 2010

Commenting on Comments

My blog is set for moderated comments. That means that when you leave a comment, it pops up in my email inbox and I click to approve or disapprove it. I have not yet disapproved any but because a few of my friends have been spammed by inappropriate comments, I am cautious.

I do still have to approve two comments that came through in a different language. I finally found out how to translate them online and discovered they are just fine for approval. I hope to do that this week, late as it is.

I read every comment that I approve for my blog, and I am sorry that I have not commented on all your thoughts. Many of you seem to be on the same track I am on, so I am happy that I have company on this life's journey.

Being time-challenged, my original plan to comment on every post from you has never taken hold. But I do love hearing from each of you when you do write. Thank you for taking the time to do so. It means a lot to me.

Hugs and prayers for you all

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