Friday, August 28, 2009

Short and Sweet

Yet another few days got away from me and I did not post to this area of my blog. My mind has been zipping all over the place, leaping from one task to another, wondering if I've forgotten this, or lost a note to remind me to do that. When I get like this, it's obvious I need to pray more than ever for guidance in my chaotic world.

Unfortunately, human that I am, I do not remember to do that until afterwards. I need to write another new prayer, perhaps one I can put into the next volume of The Busy Person's Prayer Book. I have been happy to give away some free signed copies of Volume I of my self-published paperback, The Busy Person's Prayer Book, this past month. One of those prayers, for When Things Go Wrong, might help on days like today. But it's not exactly what I need.

Days like today don't go wrong; they just go and go and go and go. At times like that, I need the Lord to keep me pointing in the right direction. He knows what he expects me to do; he knows what he hopes I will do. I need to pray that, when life gets in the way, he will part the sea of chaos as clearly as he did the Red Sea for Moses.

Father, when life gets in my way, please clear my mind so that I might see what you expect me to do.


Kelly L said...

Very true - we need to pray all day every day - especially on the days we just don't seem to have the time...

Peach Rainbow said...

"please clear my mind so that I might see what you expect me to do"

that's the correct one to ask for because i often find my self confused as to WHAT to ask!