Thursday, July 16, 2009

Faith Journeys

During my recent blog-hopping, this past few days, I was amazed to see how many bloggers do this to post their journeys in faith. That is what mine began as, over a year ago. Many times, I sat here wondering what to write. Some days, I had so much on my mind, like tonight, that I found it hard to choose a single part of my day to think about.

Thinking, or meditating, or praying, it is all the same. I come here to look back on the day and find something that I have learned, or need to learn. I end up by praying about the matter, either in thanks because I did learn something that day, or in petition for help that I might learn something I desperately need to learn.

Today, it seems to me, that I must continue to post every day or night. It keeps me focused on the end result, eternal salvation, eternal happiness. What happens here, today, no matter how important it seems right now, will not matter, I know from experience, a year from now.

Basically, looking at tonight’s post, I see finally where I am going with this. I need guidance in my life right now. My worries are numerous and what I need most is the Lord’s guidance so I can focus on each one and deal with it.

Either I can do something about it (and listen to his whispers) or I can do nothing (and must accept it and move on).

Father, help me to bring focus to my life these worrisome days, that I might stay on the path you chose for me and not take the wrong fork because of fear or worry.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

As you continue to pray, you must stop and listen to His words to you. You will find your way. I've been down the road so many times and had to stop because I was confused and He helped me find the right path. He is Good and He is Wise.

Hang in there.
God bless you.
