Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When Life Gets in the Way

So often, I made plans for the day and at the end of it, I look back and cannot see where I did anything on my list. Until recently, that used to frustrate me and bother me a lot. I’d like to say it doesn’t bother me at all these days, but I’d be lying. It does bother me, but not as much.

Looking back at other days, when life got in the way, I can see where I accomplished other things, some of which needed to be done at specific moments. So often I’ve heard that all things come together in God’s own good timing. When I look back, it is so true.

I’ve learned to handle these times by praying - a lot. I’ve learned to go to him and explain that, yes, I did plan to do such-and-such today, but apparently he needed me to do something else. I explain that I’ll try to get back on track tomorrow. And then I try to leave it at that.
Obsessing over un-done projects does not help me. I am so grateful for the chance to at least talk to him at those times, and ask for his guidance for now and for the future.

Father, I can’t say that I am not disturbed by the things I’ve left undone today, but I pray that I at least accomplished what you, not I, hoped that I would do.

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