Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Waiting Game

It always amazes me that somehow, things work out. As the saying goes, “All in God’s good time.” Waiting is the hardest part. I can always see the path I came down, after I am at the end of it. I am also always amazed at how much easier it is for me to wait when I focus on how much harder someone else’s life is.

Take this job situation for my “nephew." Although he has been cut to only 20 hrs, he is still better off than he was a month ago. And, he is better off than his boss. This man sank his entire savings into the venture, and the local health department’s constant delays regarding approval meant his opening day was two months late. This means he might have to take a second mortgage on his home to continue to stay open while he hopes for more business. This setback also dipped into marketing money he had targeted. I can’t imagine the fear he and his little family face over this setback.

Another example. One coworker might have to return to her home country because she is not making what she had hoped to make, what she needs to make, to stay here. She, too, faces a fear I cannot imagine.

We, at least, have a small income coming in for a while. In the meantime, Frank is still free to continue looking for a 40-hr-week job.

Another odd thing - no matter how frightened I am over bills, the funds always seem to come just in time to take care of them. Barely in time, at times, but in time nonetheless.

Thank you, Father, for all your help and protection; please help those I’ve mentioned tonight, too, and bless them with all that they need.

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