Friday, January 23, 2009

How to Help Those Who Have Helped Me

I have learned to accept help from others. It took me a while. I used to resist it. Then one day I realized that even Jesus accepted help carrying his cross. That changed my attitude a bit. I have also learned to ask for help if I think it is appropriate.

The one thing that made me feel bad at times was that, many times, I had no way of repaying these particular helpers the same way they helped me.

Then I discovered the best way for me to help - I now pray for my special helpers. That is the one thing that all of us need - prayers. I might not know what these helpers might need. I might not even get them to answer me if I asked. But God knows what they need, and so I leave it up to him.

Tonight, I especially feel the need to give back to some of them. So, tonight, I offer this prayer from my book of prayers (The Busy Person’s Prayer Book -

Accepting Help
Father, grant me the grace to accept
Any aid that you send to me
Banish my pride and open my heart
Bless my special helpers to a special degree.

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