Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Getting Rid of Anger Against Someone

I like to think of myself as a peacemaker and a problem solver. Once in a while, oh, to be honest, oftener than I like, I grow angry at someone. I hate venting that anger. I often hold it in. Or, I’ll slam a door. Or make an unkind comment. Or make what I consider a justified comment. No matter. If my actions do not help the situation, there is no point in becoming upset. There is no point in being angry at someone for any length of time.

We cannot help what happens to us but we can help how we react to it. Rev. Robert H. Schuller, the founder of the Hour of Power tele-evangelist show, used to talk about that. My reactions should not be what they are at times.

Most recently, I’ve let myself become bothered by one particular person in our community. Knowing this person as long as I have, I know that no matter what I do or say, she will never be “wrong.” So, there is no point in my allowing myself to vibrate with annoyance.

How should I handle it, then? Do I confront her and perhaps allow her to make a scene? It would most likely end with me looking like the villain and her looking like a victim. Do I pray? For what? For her to change? What if it is I who should change? Maybe what I should pray for is not for release from anger. Not for anything more than guidance, the ability to know what to do next.

All right, Dear Lord, I place this in your hands, that you may guide me in this annoying and irritating situation, to know the right thing to do, according to your will.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Oh Evie, I struggle with this one also. Not just with one person but with several persons in my family. I continually give them the benefit of the doubt and then WHAM they do or say something mean and hurtful.

I try to pray for the change in me. I cannot change this person but I can change myself. If nothing else, I pray for tolerance.

Many blessings,