Friday, October 24, 2008

When Others Do Not Believe

Sometimes I know what to say to someone who does not believe, and other times, I’m not sure. When I’m not sure, it’s usually because I’m afraid if I say the wrong thing, or the right thing the wrong way, I’ll make matters worse for that person. This evening, I received an email from someone who does not believe in prayer. This person feels the world has said enough prayers and they are not helping.

In this case, I’m pretty sure of what I will write back. My own feelings about the power of prayer, the reality of prayer, have been mentioned in this blog and in my book. I believe in it. That belief gives me hope in hopeless situations. If I did not have that hope, I might not be able to go forward. I might not see the solutions, the bread crumbs on the path in front of me.

For this person, though, life must be very sad. Without hope, I can’t imagine any joy. My prayers tonight will need to focus on this person.

Please, Heavenly Father, bless this man with all the grace available, so that he will discover the fullness and fruitfulness of the hope that exists in prayer and in companionship with you.

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