Sometimes I pray in my heart, silently. Sometimes I pray with my lips, whispering if I am alone, or aloud with others. Sometimes I need to pray on my knees, as I did today.
When I pray in a kneeling position, for some reason, it feels special. There will come a time when these ol’ knees won’t tolerate that any longer, so I should do it more often while I can. There’s something about kneeling to pray that puts the heart and soul right into the frame of mind for a one-on-one with God.
It’s a sign of humility, I suppose. It’s a gesture to the Lord, telling him I realize that he is in charge, and that I need his help. I don’t think there’s any more powerful way of praying than on one’s knees.
Children pray their little hearts out, on their knees, before getting into bed. We are told to enter heaven, we must become as little children. What better way than to pray while kneeling?
There are many people who cannot do that because of disabilities. I ought to pray on their behalf, for their needs. Not that God doesn’t hear every prayer. But when I pray while kneeling, it shows him I am more sincere than ever. It shows him that, for those few moments, all my attention is on him.
Yes, there’s just something special in that feeling.
Dear God, thank you for hearing my prayers, whether they are silent, aloud, or on my knees; thank you for having so much patience with me.
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