Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is the Spirit Willing?

Yikes. When I first started this back in May, I was lucky if 1 or 2 folks looked at this blog each night. About a month ago, it picked up to an average of 5 a night. Lately, it’s not unusual for 9 or 10 to read it each night. Gee, it looks like I’d better keep this thing going.

Lately, I’ve been re-reading some of the earlier ones, especially the last lines, the prayer. I’m thinking of putting them into an eBook or something. I’d put them into categories.

Concentrating on my prayer life each night helps a great deal. Many of us have hectic, stressful, sometimes downright terrible days. By the time night falls, we’re so tense, praying is hard to do. We could easily become bitter. Writing this blog helps me sort out my thoughts. Many authorities, including ministers and spiritual advisors, suggest people keep a spiritual journal. It doesn’t matter if it is electronic, such as this blog, or whether it is simply on paper. It can be public, like this, or very, very private, as in a diary or a private file on your computer.
The main thing is that it is done every day.

I don’t know if I am becoming a better person or not. I don’t see any difference yet. It’s only been a little over four months. I do know I am very eager to get to my spiritual thoughts each night. I am eager to explore what happened during the day, and figure out whether I could have handled something better than I did. I also know I am in touch with God a lot more often than before I began this. That, alone, makes it so worthwhile.

Dear God, help me to always be eager to come to you with my burdens, my questions, my joys, and my gratitude, and bless those who are reading this in the very same ways.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

You are always such a blessing. I look forward to your posts.

Many blessings,