Sunday, October 19, 2008

Craft Swaps and Exchanges

I truly love craft swaps and exchanges. There are tons of groups on the Internet to join. Just search Yahoo for the type of craft you love to do, and you’re sure to find a group with members who exchange with each other.

I love these for so many reasons. I get to see different patterns, ones I would not know about. I get to try different patterns, ones I wouldn’t have given a thought to except for the exchange. I make new friends every month.

Today, I was very sad because of my baby sister (she’s 68). She’s in the hospital, a whole state away, in critical condition. Collapsed lung, critically low blood pressure, and not even speaking right now (but she nods her responses, at least).

My mailperson brought me a bubble envelope with two beautiful 12” crocheted squares and two really lovely hot pads or potholders. The work my partner did on these was very good, and the colors were some of my favorites. In spite of my sadness, this mail gave me a warm feeling. I needed it.

Dear God, thank you for exposing me to these groups, where I can share my skills with others, and I can enjoy their skills as well.

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