Sunday, August 10, 2008

Praying to Know when to Say “No”

Today I realized that I must begin to pray, regularly, for the wisdom to know when to say “no.” I keep forgetting that life changes. I keep forgetting that although I no longer work outside my home, I have so many detailed obligations that I cannot continue to accept requests to volunteer for various projects.

I am a dependable and conscientious person. If I commit to something, I stick to it and finish it. That isn’t always easy. It would be easier to just say, “I’m in over my head, here. I am getting out.” Usually the types of things I volunteer for are projects for which nobody else is volunteering. That means if I back out, someone is really stuck.

I have always been this way. I always wanted to help; I always tried to help; I always helped. But I am not being wise in looking at what’s already on my plate. I definitely need His help on this one. How should I pray on this issue? I do need to remember that I cannot help anyone properly if I am stressed because I am overwhelmed by my promises to help.

Should I ask to be let out of the most recent mistake I made? I don’t think so. Jesus himself asked that his burden be lifted, but that not his will, but God’s will, be done. Maybe I should ask for help in completing this commitment in the best way I can, and with gladness in my heart that I can still do it. Sort of.

Dear Father, I need your help in recognizing my priorities and in resisting requests that you know would be better in someone else’s hands.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I don't have this problem as often as I use to because unfortunately I do not volunteer to help often.

I do however run myself ragged for my kids and I am just now learning to teach them to do things on their own.

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not allowed to quit, I simply need to ask God for help.

Many blessings,