Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting Out While There’s Time

I’ve been thinking a lot about yesterday’s post and the one for the day before, about fulfilling commitments and also about wisdom in knowing where to draw the line at volunteering. I realized I am in over my head with a recent commitment. When I was first approached, it sounded simple, about an hour’s meeting, three or four of those. I assumed they would be daytime meetings.

Saturday morning, at the first meeting, I discovered it will be not one hour, but close to three hours, and in the evening, not daytime. That means leaving Jane alone if her son is at work. Even so, the time planned will get me home late for a few of the routine tasks I do regarding her care.

The more I thought about it, the more stressed I became. I looked back over the meeting, in my mind. Aside from my initial input, which they seemed to value, there doesn’t seem to be a need for me at the other meetings. There appears to be enough people to handle the tasks. I also agreed to draft a letter, which, if approved, I would mail (or email) for the committee. That’s no problem. If it can be done at home, no biggie.

So, I have decided to get out while getting out is still possible. With some commitments or obligations, there is no choice. With this, there is. If there is something that has to be cancelled, it should be done as soon as possible. I believe God is helping me this time around, to do this early on, while there is time. If they need someone else, and I do doubt that, they have time. Meanwhile, I did contribute at the brainstorming session, and I am continuing to do some clerical work for them with the letter.

Lord, you know I hate backing out of something, but this was misrepresented at the start. Thank you for the strength to face this before it is too late.

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