Sunday, June 29, 2008

Praying When I've Reached My Limit

It is said, and we are told in the Bible, that we will not have to suffer any more than we can handle. When I reach my limit, and I’m afraid I just cannot go any further, when I’m ready to give up, when I am frozen by worry and fear, my prayers sound desperate.

I can’t rant and rave at God. That’s not in me. I can’t do the “why me” routine; I know enough that God doesn’t “do” things to us; the world does. I think the plagues of locusts and whatnot stopped during the Old Testament. But God did set this world into motion and hoped we’d take care of it and ourselves. I do feel the burden of knowing that to be in a particular mess, it’s possible I made some bad decisions along the way, or ignored his guidance when it was there in front of me. So, what now? How do I pray when I’m not sure what I did wrong?

Rather than tie myself up in knots worrying over it, I try asking him three things. First, to forgive me if I’ve done something stupid to cause the problem. Next, to give me the wisdom to see the answer I know he’s placed before me. And third, to accept my thanks for being there to help me when I ask for it, when I need it. Then I just take a deep breath, and hope for the best. I move on. I have to.

Dear God, open my eyes to the answers you have for me, when I need to see them, when I am ready for them.

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