Sunday, May 25, 2008

Letting Our Crafting Light Shine

Isn’t it amazing how Christianity and Crafting seem to go hand-in-hand? So often, our handcrafts are made to be given away. They give comfort, warmth, and even provide essential daily living needs. Everything from blankets, sweaters, caps, and on through the things that just soothe the soul by making us feel attractive, or wanted, or special.
Not everyone is gifted in the same way, either. Some of us are good with fabric, others with yarn or thread, others with wood, ceramics, and so many other materials these days that it boggles the mind.
We’re told not to hide our light under a bushel, and we all love that song about that little light and how we’re gonna let it shine. It goes without saying, then, that it’s not only good to craft to give, but also good to craft to earn a living, or to add to our income.
Where we must be careful, however, is to give credit where it is due. We must be very careful to avoid giving the impression that an idea or pattern or design is ours, when it is really someone else’s light that we are hiding. If we are unsure, in any way, about the origin of a pattern or design, and we have made a reasonable effort to find the designer, we ought to at least include a card or tag that says so. Something like: “Made with love by Evie; Designer unknown at present.” This encourages others to let us know who the designer is. It is only right; it is only fair. Then, indeed, can our light really shine.

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