Friday, May 23, 2008

Crafts and Faith - Hand in Hand

It’s amazing how closely crafting and faith goes hand-in-hand. Biblically, God gave specific instructions on how to build the Ark of the Covenant, even to the size of the curtains covering it, not to mention other items. Sometimes I wonder if it was just “busy work” that He gave out to keep his folks out of trouble. That old adage, “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop” seems to come into play here. Other times, I wonder about and imagine the days that Mary must have put in making garments for her, Jesus, and Joseph, and whether Joseph mended their sandals. Then there’s the carpentry work. Throughout the ages, making or doing something with our hands has been something to be proud of, to keep us busy and out of trouble, and to bring comfort and joy to others. I’m very grateful that God gave me the ability to learn to crochet, among other things. I can’t sew a straight seam; I can’t cut an even piece of fabric; but I can and do crochet, and I love it. Thank you, Lord!

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