Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Having Fun Watching Events Play Out

It's all in the game and how you play it.

Yesterday, I posted about the mess I was in at the moment (at this link), and I stated that I knew the Lord would take of my needs, but that it was a bit tricky this time, and I couldn't wait to see how he worked it out.

As I end this day, just 24 hours later, he is already working things out. Now, this doesn't mean the bills went away. It doesn't mean I came into money. Nope - he usually develops really creative ways to easy my stress and buy me time to work things out on my own.

Regarding the broken lower denture, I needed soft food today while the super glue set.  I found a pack of 4 Nutter Butters, easy to eat, and worked on them one at a time, now and then, when I had a craving for a treat. I also defrosted my barley soup, pureed some fruit, and defrosted a lonely mac & cheese. That went well. Tomorrow, my meals will be back to normal.

With one email and their phone call in return, an automatic payment was cancelled, saving me $12.50, which goes to one of the bills.

Another call allowed me to postpone another bill until early September with a very small fee.

Knowing I would still be concerned today, I distracted myself with a short walk to the mail room this morning, and my legs and feet were so happy when I came back, short as the walk was. Along the way, I was delighted to get two clippings for trees I've admired all year on that corner. They are happily trying to root in a glass of water.

The lady who gave me the tree clippings updated me about a former neighbor who is healing from a heart attack an subsequent stent surgery. We were good friends when he lived here and so I sent him good wishes and a hug, via this lady, on her next visit with him.

Etsy surprised me with a $10 order which, since it goes into PayPal, will go for gas for the car.

The gift card from Swagbucks was used this morning and resulted in TP, a bag of dry cat food, 10 little cans of cat food, denture cushions, and so on.

Things are slowly working out.

Along the way, the Lord reminded me of some freebies coming up in 3 weeks, at least one each from IHop, Denny's and Starbucks. That put a smile on this foodie's face - does he know our wants and desires and what makes us happy or what?

And the saga continues...

Basically, I'd like to finish this day with these reminders:

If you are better off than some of us, be sure to thank him tonight when you crawl into bed.
If you are worse off than me, I have you in my heart and prayers. Trust him.

Father, thank you so much for working on these problems for me. Please guide each of us, no matter what their situation, that we should always pray for each other, as often as possible. And please bless those who took a moment to pray for me. 

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