Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Perfect Father Image

I've posted many times, claiming I knew the love of a family while I was growing up, even though my DF was a severe alcoholic. It is true. Sort of. I had the kind of love that encompassed the family group, but my dad was not the kind I could go to for comfort. He didn't hold us, for example. And I couldn't go to him with a problem, for an other example. Still, I knew he would provide, always, as best he could. I knew he would protect us, with his life, if necessary, if need be. But some other elements were not there.

For many people, a father-image was missing in their lives to an even greater degree. For folks like that, and even for me, it's sometimes hard to think of an unconditionally loving Father God.

However, we can all think of God as the Father we would like to have known. There's not a human alive, I believe, who has not some image of what they think a perfect father should be.

Take that image and run with it. No earthly father can be anywhere near as perfect for us as God can be. But even he cannot be that perfect father if we shut him out.

Sometimes, like today, when life seems to be falling apart in bits and pieces, I take a moment to rest in God's arms. I pause. I say a prayer, asking him to shelter me long enough for me to recharge, to go on. I imagine his almighty arms holding and comforting me. An incredible peace follows.

Of course, some days, I do this a LOT. You all know those days, I'm sure.

Father, bless me, please, with your incredible love and peace when I most need it. And bless those who need your love the most with that love and peace, as well.

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