I blogged yesterday (Manna from Heaven - Once more, with feeling) about some of them.
Today, a neighbor who had asked me to make a baby thingie for a friend, came by to pick up the peach colored hooded baby jacket I made. I actually made two. When I looked at the first one, I didn't think the baby could wear it all winter. Right now, it would have fit. It is adorable. However, we both wanted the baby to wear it at least until March or April when the weather breaks here in Vegas. So, I made a larger one. I showed her both. I gave her a price for the one. I know her well. She has bought lots of little handcrafted things from me over the years. I charged only the yarn cost plus $5 for my time. I know this was very low, but it was a pattern I know and love. Anyhow, she took both (she knows another expectant mother with a girl on the way) and paid more than double what I asked. This wasn't a fortune, but it makes buying milk, bread, and even a cupful of gas for the car, a lot easier come Monday.
Those of you who read this know that back in May and June, prior to my mid-July computer crash, I was picking up small amounts weekly by writing low-pay online articles. It suited my purpose. The low pay was offset by the ease with which I could write these. It resulted in anywhere from $30 to $70 each week going directly to my PayPal account. I really missed that. Recently, every time I went to try to pick up some of those assignments, other writers with faster computer access were grabbing them before I even saw the list of those available. Strangely, last night, I hit paydirt. I grabbed 4 of them, and will finish them in the morning, and grab some more. I think I'm on a roll.
The point is that I wasn't praying for specifics. What I prayed for was to see the way the Lord wanted me to go. I was willing but I couldn't, for some reason, see the path.
Tonight, I'm reminded of the Bible verse:
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:6-8
Father God, I asked, and you gave; I sought, and I found; I knocked, and it did indeed open. You are an awesome, generous father. I pray that I may always please you, but when I fail, please be there to pick me up and to forgive me. I trust in your promises and your love.
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