Thursday, February 17, 2011

Turning the Other Cheek - Not an Easy Thing to Do

In the last few days, I have overheard some conversations, and taken part in others, where folks were very committed to "speaking their piece" and/or not letting someone get away with insulting them or "putting them down."

I have often been in that situation myself. It is very, very hard for most humans to keep quiet when they are humiliated, or wrongly put down, or in any other way, are insulted.

Still, with Ash Wednesday approaching on March 9, my thoughts went to the one for whom Christianity is named. I decided, then, that this year I will try hard to meditate often on Christ's life those final days. Oh, I know I cannot even begin to be anywhere near as humble as he was. But I figure I can at least try to be better than I am right now.

Turning the other cheek, when someone mocks us or ridicules us or wrongly accuses us, is often more difficult than suffering physical abuse. At those times, I need to turn my thoughts to how they spat on Jesus, how they mocked him, tormented him, gave him disgusting things to drink when he was thirsty, and even more. Yet, in all that time, not once did he turn to them and tell them they were wrong, that he was right.

As a normal, well, somewhat normal, human being, it is really hard to resist sticking up for myself. There are times when we must do it, though, for righteous reasons. But if nothing is to be gained by speaking up, if the people involved are not going to listen anyway, then that's the time I must try to just wait it through.

Please, my God, send me the strength to resist these urges when nothing can be gained in the long run; help me to try to imitate your beloved Son, and please forgive me when I forget to put this resolution into practice.

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