Friday, February 18, 2011

"Nothing" Days

There are some days that are "nothing" days. They are neither good nor bad. Nothing horrible happened; no crisis; no major "life fires" to put out; nothing.
On the other hand, I should really be grateful for those days. They move along. Things get done. Even some good things get done.

Our Friday morning charity crafters brought in what they'd made during the week, some really nice things for the needy. My nephew renewed his license without any grief except for a long wait, plus, he was able to pick us up a cheap tire to replace one "iffy" one, until we can get a set in March. We had some tasty leftovers for dinner. The rain is holding off until tomorrow. I noticed a "short fall" in my checking account and was able to get a small deposit in, in time to avoid fees.

Next week, however, a friend is facing having more stents put in to avoid a massive heart attack; she is still getting over the ones they put in this past week. Another friend is facing a head CAT scan to determine the cause of recent severe nosebleeds. And I am facing a "consult" to determine how we can do a successful colonoscopy, as soon as possible. I will be facing the need to find some more money to cover getting our water heater replaced next week, and trying to fit in a drop-off to our charity crafters' "adopted nursing home" and also to Volunteer Angels for their shut-ins and other needy. I will also be trying to finish our monthly senior MHP's newsletter next week, including printing over 400 6-pg. copies and stapling them. A worrisome and probably hectic week ahead.

Looking back, I can't really call this a "nothing" day. It was, truly, a "good" day.

Thank you, my Father, for these days of rest between the difficult days; and thank you for the faith that will get me through those difficult days..

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