Sunday, September 29, 2024

Prayers for Frugality and Stamina needed

Here in Las Vegas, we have had a record breaking summer - we broke all existing heat records for June, for July, for August, and so far, a lot still in September. That means our utility bills are so much higher than before, eating into budgets.

On top of that, after my medical incident in January, it is taking me a whole lot longer than I expected to get back into making some things from scratch, food wise. Haven't yet gone back into crockpot cooking or soups/stews/casserole dishes for the upright freezer so I've been using a lot of TV dinners and other convenience foods which are not healthy for me.

And on top of that, I haven't yet been able to get back into stores to shop, so I have things delivered which of course have delivery fees attached.

That said, could use a few prayers for frugality and stamina. I am trying to cut food costs by starting to make some of my old faves once again - have started my 3-or-6 day veggie omelets, salmon salad in a batch in serving portions in the freezer, and one or two other things. There are quite a few other things I am trying to start again but I need the stamina since this requires standing in place, lots of dishes in some cases, and other things which tire me so I must rest between tasks.

As for general frugality, that's tricky - not much I can cut back on unless I can somehow get back into going into stores again myself instead of having deliveries. My biggest problem with stores is that when I get back to my driveway, I have to carry things from the car, along the driveway, up the back steps, into the pantry, back outside and down the steps and bring another load in, and so on. Same thing if I go to a food pantry. I have to carry it all inside myself. But maybe I could start with little loads...

I think the food changes might help a lot as well as them helping my overall health - I always had great lab results until lately because I used to always make things with lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

So, methinks if I at least add one more old favorite, healthy, cooked from scratch thing a week, one a week for a goal, that might help.

PLEASE do NOT offer suggestions - I have a lengthy list of ALL the things I loved and that were easy for me (except for the standing and dishes) before my medical mess in January. I only want to start re-entering those things back into my diet and routine and life...

Thanks, folks.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you fed the multitudes with fishes and loaves; please help me to slowly but steadily add back into my life those foods that helped me for so long...and please bless those who say a prayer for me.

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