Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Prayers Answered on My Mammogram

Back on 3/26 (see post here), I asked for prayers for my 1st mammogram since they put me on the anti-cancer drug, Tamoxifen. I was really worried about the results.

I saw my oncologist today, and the results were "clear" which means nothing to worry about, at the moment. I will be on this drug for another 4 years, but so far, so good, thanks to your prayers.

I am very grateful for every little prayer anyone sent up on my behalf.

I also had my usual semi-annual infusion (1/2 hr. IV drip) of the bone density drug. The Tamoxifen has a side effect of causing bone density loss, so I get these IV drips twice a year. He is scheduling my first bone density Dexascan for July to see how that is working out.

Thank you all again.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you, our great healer, for your help in this matter. Please bless those who said a prayer on my behalf. And please keep me in your heart for continued good progress. Jesus, I trust in you!

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