Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Bi-Monthly Eye Injection Update

That every-other-month injection I get in my left eye at the retina specialist's is going well.

It will never get rid of the bleeding in the back of the eye, but it has stopped the progression, so far.

The first one was 8/26/20, and at first, I went every month. Then we graduated to 6 weeks, then to 2 months. The past few times, it has been 9 or 10 weeks. THIS time, he scheduled me for 3 months away!

I doubt we'll stretch it further than that. And when I am leaving, he always says, "If you have any sudden changes in vision, call me immediately." I try not to stress over that reminder.

Anyhow, I am pleased that I have apparently been responding to both his injections and to the AREDS2 eye vitamins he has me on.

So far, so good. I'm grateful for small favors, as we all should be.

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