Thursday, February 2, 2023

Urgent Prayers Needed for Pet Sheltering

A dear friend and her family has been staying in one housing situation after their previous home was destroyed a few months back. 

Now they must leave that place they have been living in. The humans can stay with one dear friend for the weekend, but there are several dogs and two cats who cannot stay there, so they need urgent prayers big time for shelter for the pets for this weekend at least.

Please, take a moment to send up immediate prayers for this situation - it's already night time and I don't know how many hours they have left at the current place, not likely more than a few.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you who love all the Father's creatures, please look quickly and kindly upon this family and their pets. You know what they need better than we do - have mercy on their situation - you know how much they have done in the past for others. They need your help now. Jesus, we trust in you!

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