Sunday, June 5, 2022

Bad Start. Good Ending...

I started off the day while making breakfast and bumping the thermal mug of black decaf coffee (not yet heated) and spilling it over half the kitchen counter, even under the toaster. I grabbed the Bounty towels as fast as possible, but it was still a mess. That said, it wasn't too difficult a clean-up.

I did make my veggie omelet for 6 days which is always comforting for no-fuss lunches.

And I took a sack of Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage crumbles and dumped them into small containers, enough for 2 days each and froze all but one. I only put about 1/4 cup  or less into my lunch when heating my veggie omelet, just enough for taste.

My Chewy order was delivered so Silkie is happy that we are stocked up on cat food cans and more cat grass seeds.

I managed to get on my recumbent bike for 7 minutes. A while back, I was concerned because I really can't walk far these days even with my quad cane so I searched something like "recumbent bike vs. walking" and was amazed to find out the recumbent bike is BETTER for me even than walking! I think it affects more muscles than walking does. That doesn't mean I won't continue to try to find ways to manage short walks in our senior mobile home park - some day.

And I did work on a charity crafting crochet project and sorted some yarn.

Rolling along.

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