Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Prayer Request for Medical Team for Friend?

My friend whose husband has been wearing a clumsy and often malfunctioning lifevest for the past 2-1/2 months is finally having his surgery on Friday, the 28th. They will implant a permanent defibrillator. I have heard from other friends that these last about 10 years or more. For six weeks after, he will have the one arm in a sling. It will be such a relief for them to have a proper and reliable device in place.

My friend is beginning to get anxious now that the date is so close. She is asking for prayers for to guide the doctor who is doing the surgery and I'm adding that the prayers also include the whole medical team.

Sweet Lord Jesus, our healer, please look compassionately and kindly upon this couple and ensure that the surgery goes better than expected and the healing afterwards as well. We trust in you!

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