Friday, February 5, 2021

Two New Prayer Requests

We have 2 new prayer requests...

One is a young man, a friend of my friend's son, and he has a severe case of Covid. We all know what that means and the fears that go with it. Prayers definitely needed! I'm not sure of details on this one, but I know we all understand the worry and concern and the dangers for this young man.

The other is a connection to our charity crafter group. My long-time member, with me just about from the start almost 11 years ago, has a friend who distributes our finished items to a few priests who hand them out directly to the local homeless. A month or two ago, she had the 1st of 3 surgeries. The first was a cancerous mole that was surgically removed. Not long after that, her eyelids had to be sliced because they were growing down somehow and severely scratching her eyes. To top that off, she is now recovering from foot surgery, pins in 2 toes to straighten them. I've been through that and understand the issues of trying not to put pressure on that foot until the pins are out. And even after all that, she found out the eyelid surgery didn't do as complete a "fix" as hoped and they will need to do something further. Prayers, please, for this woman who has given so much of her time to help those in need?

Sweet Lord Jesus, please look down upon these two people, each with their own problems and needs. Please shower them with your healing power and compassion and help them and their loved ones to deal with these issues. Please send excellent medical people their way. We trust in you.

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