Friday, January 29, 2021

Yet Another Dear Long-Time Friend with C19!

We're all emotionally drained these days with folks we know getting Covid and suffering and even worse from this disease.

Today I learned about a long-time friend across the country who has tested positive and is in the hospital undergoing other tests to see how badly it has set in. I learned this from her sister, another long-time friend. She must be worried sick. They are so close.

Please keep this generous hearted lady in your prayers for accurate and quick diagnosis and successful treatment. She is loving, giving, volunteers so much of her time to so many causes. Her family must be frantic. They do not know how she contracted it as her sis, who lives with her, says they are all so very careful.

Please, Lord Jesus, our healer, look kindly and compassionately upon this servant of yours and her family. Send them whatever grace and strength they need to get through this. We trust in you.

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