Saturday, September 5, 2020

Wow! Long Time Since an Update on Charity Crafting

<ItemPage> Strange how the pandemic affects our sense of time. You would think we'd be getting a LOT of things done and yet time seems to fill with other things.

Anyhow, for now, one of our girls, one who works from home and I pick up her finished scarves and drop off donated yarn to her, is taking a break until the end of September. Louise and I will finish some baby jackets we're working on and then we will jump onto fingerless gloves for a few weeks. We like to have a good stash of them to go with our hand made items for the local homeless. Our first distribution to our contact is usually between Oct. 15 and end of that month.

I've already got 6 big stuffed 13-gallon bags for the homeless in one end of my back closet. I've also got 2 stuffed bags with lap covers for the VA and we work on those usually in the winter because it's too hot in the summer for all that to be on our laps. And we hope to have a few bags ready end of November or in December when we sort of expect a baby-boom to occur because of folks being "close" at home during this pandemic.

Yep, we've been working all along, I just haven't been updating here. I like to do it regularly because it also helps me keep track of things.

Rolling along...


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