Friday, June 12, 2020

Prayer Request for Friend's Cousin Tommy

A friend's cousin is having multiple medical issues, all piling up on him one after another. Here is what family has said:

"Heart surgery was finally scheduled for May 15. It was a complete bypass and they actually removed his heart and put him on a bypass machine. They had to remove an entire valve and use a vein from his leg.  That valve also had an aneurysm so it was a good thing it was removed.  The heart surgery was a success BUT, he was having bladder issues.  He is now diagnosed with bladder and kidney cancer.  Kidney surgery will be sometime in late August or September.  Now they also found a tumor on his lung...that is scheduled for July 24.  He is trying so hard but he has no appetite and although his heart is doing so much better, other areas aren't.  He weighs 122 lbs.  He has little energy and says he can't eat, so he drinks water and eats very little. Please ask your prayer group to please pray for him.  I have him on prayer chains all over.  He just turned 74 on June 3."

I'll be praying not only for healing and a great medical team but comfort for the family as they all suffer watching him suffer. It's always so sad when things pile up, one after another... please say a wee prayer for this man and his family and loved ones.

Sweet Lord Jesus, this is a tough one. Looks like we need a miracle here and we know you are our healer. We ask for not only good medical advice and surgeries, but also peace and patience and anything that is needed by this family and this man to help them through this troubling time. Jesus, we trust in you!

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