Monday, June 8, 2020

Next Up, Louise's C19-Lockdown Projects

Yesterday I posted the projects I finished during our Charity Crafters' Covid19 lockdown (link for that here). Today, here's a photo of what our long-time member, Louise, finished along the way. It includes 9 pairs of our fingerless gloves for the homeless, 1 scarf for them, 1 lapghan for the VA, 2 baby blankets and 4 baby jackets for local needy moms/babies.

We stick to simpler patterns for the most part because a lot of people in need do not have access to hand-washing fancy/delicate things, and some, like the VA, wash the lap covers in industrial washers which are tough on items, and some young needy mothers need things that are easy to put on and take off.

Tomorrow I'll do the scarves that came in during the C19 lockdown. After that, I will take all this stuff in the 3 days of pix and pack and document and shove big white 13-gallon bags into my double wide closet in the back bedroom until we distribute to one of the 3 places we give things (VA facility, two priests who hand out directly to homeless, and a group that distributes to mothers in need).
Rolling along...

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