Sunday, January 5, 2020

Second Day on Christmas 2020 Tote Activity

Although I won't finish an item a day (see my resolution here), I did work the second day in a row, for my 1-1/2 hours. I will revert to one hour next week after I make up for the lost first few days when I procrastinated.

Those who know me in recent years know that I typically make "treat bags" and hand them out in our senior mobile home community. They are usually gift bags with a combo of snacks/treats and handmade items. I have no kids or grandkids and I've known some of these folks for 20 years or so. 

Anyhow, I used to make 16 or so of each item for holidays (Christmas, Easter, Valentine, July 4, Thanksgiving, etc.) but am down to 12 or so now. Still, it means I need to pick simpler projects but nice ones. 

There are at least half a dozen things lurking in my mind that I've wanted to make in the past few years but I never got around to them. Methinks that THIS year, it might be different. Even if I only make 1 or 2 of these wanna-do items, I will be so happy... None of them is complicated but there is time involved.

Can't wait to get this first dozen or so of the beginning projects done so I can tackle one or two of the more time-consuming ones early enough in the year so that it won't be yet another Christmas when I regret waiting until the last minute.
Rolling along...

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