Sunday, January 12, 2020

New Year Resolution Update and Sunday Resolution

So excited to report that I'm on track on my resolution to do an hour a day on projects for my 2020 Christmas Tote stash. I'm still up to date on it. There were 2 days, not consecutive, where I couldn't get to it, but I caught up. That's one reason I kept it simple, just an hour. Less than that isn't enough but more than that might not be workable.

Meanwhile I've always tried to keep Sunday as His day. Along the way, I've tried to do my "faith-based" projects on Sunday as well, a sort of tie-in. Things like angels, crosses, etc. Well, today I got into that for real. Spent any craft time on my plastic canvas crosses. Already had some forms/shapes cut, and ribbon pieces cut, so it was easy to weave a full dozen of them. Was so happy to plop 4 of them into my purse. I love having them at the ready for times I run into someone at a store, a waiting room, wherever.

Making new habits might be a thing this year. That would amaze me at this point in my life! But it would also make me very happy, and who knows, maybe I'd even become more organized and less cluttered.
Rolling along...

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