Sunday, July 14, 2019

Our Vegas Heat

Our side of the Vegas valley hit 113 today.

I might need to re-think where I am stashing the packed plastic bags of finished projects for the homeless, the new mothers in need, and the VA. I began putting them in the widest closet. However, I had forgotten how hot that area gets. 

It's the back wall of my mobile home, and unshielded outside - no trees or anything to block the sun. We will have several more months of this. I might move them during the coming week to a more central area of the house, where A/C can keep things cooler. It will also give me a motivational push to sort of re-organize a bit.

Because the back half of my house is the hottest, and because that's where my desktop PC is, I should let you all know that there will be times I am not online as often during the summer months, especially afternoon-through-evening. So, please do not worry if my online activity slows down until the cooler weather arrives.

Silkie does not seem to miss those fattening Temptation treats. So far, she's happy just eating regular kibble from her former treat-lids. Nice.

I don't want to stay online back here too long tonight. I don't want you all to think I am boiling hot or anything. It's just the way the A/C hits each room. It will cool down in here by the time I actually get into bed each night.
Rolling along...

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