Friday, March 22, 2019

Prayers for Friend's Plumbing Mess

A friend and her hubby have just gone through a wicked week of plumbing messes. They are nowhere near done with the fixes. Some fixtures are already out and awaiting replacement delivery and there are many complications along the way. Nothing is covered by homeowner's because of various technicalities. We all know how these things go.

Although they can come up with the funds, it messes them up for the rest of the year regarding other things they had planned to spend those funds on. Again, we all know how that goes. Prayers would be appreciated that the rest of this goes much better, much more easily, than they could normally expect.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you lived at a time when indoor plumbing was nowhere near being near our modern day convenience level. But you know life here on earth and how things can go wrong and trouble can crop up unexpectedly. Please bless this couple with the stamina, wisdom and patience they need to deal with this as it plays out. We trust in you.

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