Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Comedy of Errors

This morning, I left early, during rush hour traffic, and drove 7 miles to imaging center for a mammogram and an ultrasound connected to normal follow-up, post-lumpectomy. Signed in at 8, was sitting in waiting room at 8:30 with several other ladies. We were all gowned and ready for mammo's and ultrasounds. We sat for 3 hours. Then we found out their imaging systems had gone down and they had hoped to get them back up. At this point, we had 2 choices: drive another 15 miles to another center, or go home and let them re-schedule. I chose to go home and try again.

On the way home, I picked up yesterday's mail. In it was a letter from Walmart saying my Losartan blood pressure meds were possibly on a recall list. Called them and they said to bring both the letter and whatever was left of my Rx. I put my street clothes back on and drove over. Because the meds were a 3 month supply and had been picked up two months before, they couldn't compare the lot numbers in the letter with what they had given me. They then gave me 100 fresh ones, at no cost. I drove back home.

When I got in, I got a call from the imaging center and they want me back in tomorrow morning, and again it will be a drive in rush hour traffic. Oh, well.

Hung up and it rang again. This was Walmart's recorded reminder that I had an Rx to pick up and the cost was a little over $600. Called them and they said not to worry. It was set in motion by the free replacement pills and would just "go away" once all the details caught up with each other.

We ALL have days like this - gotta laugh when looking back... rolling along...

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