Monday, January 22, 2018

Update on Post-Lumpectomy Treatment Possibilities

When I saw the oncologist on the 11th, I was not happy with how that went and was looking forward today to the surgeon who did the lumpectomy and lymph biopsy. She's going to switch me to the oncologist she originally wanted me to see but that the scheduler wanted me to get closer to home.

We talked about my own life expectancy and the fact that at this point, I've already outlived my normal family's lifespan and that I do not want to complicate my quality of life for my final 5 or 10 years on this earth with side effects that might not be necessary and might be only precautionary.

She is going to try to order one of those special tests that look at your DNA and tell you how much at risk you are for cancer in the future, and then we will talk again. We're holding off on any post-surgery treatments (radiation or hormone blockers) until we see if we can get that test...

And she suggested that we still get the blood tests the first oncologist ordered, just to have them on record, because they look at some kind of cancer indicator. 

She also said I should just cancel the appointment with that guy and wait until we set up one with the gal she had in mind - this one is further away but a drive that isn’t bad for me.

Moving along...


Unknown said...

I hope the doctor works out better, Evie.

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thank you, Cindy - hugs and prayers... Evie

MY MUSINGS said...

Evelyn, the way I always pray for myself or others is that the LORD will open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. I pray this for you regarding your health, doctors and medications. The LORD knows what we need and will provide! Hugs~

Richard said...

Wishing you the best of luck!

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thank you both, the My Musings blog poster and Richard... Hugs and prayers for you and yours...


You are in my prayers, Evie. Love you.

Sandy Main

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thank you, Sandy...Hugs and prayers, as always.