Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Even If I Suddenly Became Solvent...

I was thinking today that even if I suddenly became completely solvent, I would probably still handle my food needs the same way as I am now. 

I might not need to use the food pantries but I would still be getting fresh foods as much as humanely possible. I would still be prepping and freezing a good part of that in my faithful upright freezer.

There is good reason for this. I honestly believe my food patterns are what has me feeling healthier now than I have in the past 10 years. Oh, it’s true I occasionally still use a quad cane. But basically, I feel really good. 

The last time I felt this good was way back on one of the last, or maybe the last, on-site jobs I worked, for a government contractor for a short time back in, I believe, ’02. That’s over 15 years ago, now that I think about it. I was still doing pretty well in ’08 when I was care-giving 24/7 for a dear family friend. So maybe I’m right with that 10 year statement.

Anyhow, all the changes I made, food-wise, appear to have made quite a difference. Oh, I’m not saying it made me invulnerable to illness or arthritis or anything else. But it made a difference in so many ways.

Yep, no doubt about it - even if things changed in a heartbeat, I’d still stick to what I now know works for me!

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