Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Ducks Won’t Get In A Row

I think when I look back at this September and October, it will be a fast and furious track, but not a bad one, if I survive it. What’s that saying - Man makes plans and God laughs? He’s laughing, as am I, at times. Still, I’ve managed to get a lot done that I didn’t think could be done in the time-frames allotted.

Fall park wide yard sale frenzy is over. This week I squeeze in all I can before next week which once again is our monthly newsletter week. Yesterday and today I had fun feeding a friend’s big ol’ love bugs (known to most as collies). 

In between feedings, I accomplished a few things. Yesterday, I hit the USPS to mail a letter Priority with a payment that had to be sure to be received, deposited the yard sale ad reimbursement money so that it shows a clear in-and-out this month and I don’t risk losing any benefits, took that 21# bag of litter and put it into 3 sets of containers for 3 changes (I stand it on a stool and dip it from the bag - toward the bottom, I almost climb inside the bag!), went to one food pantry, called on my food stamp card to verify my amount but it was way, way too much. I think they misunderstood my note last month (you must notify them of any changes right away) about the Chicken Soup for the Soul check - I think they thought that was my ONLY income last month. Must go up there Monday and drop off fresh paperwork. I also reconstituted a big ol’ sack of powdered milk, into peanut butter jars. Froze most of those. Poured a half gallon OJ into same; froze most of those.

Today, feeding doggies is prime. Along the way, I’ll stop at Smiths and pick up dry cat food and visit ATM to deposit enough from yard sale to cover telephone and power bills (I’ll pay them tomorrow over the phone), and actually change the litter box. I really should puree the apricots and peaches I defrosted and use them that way before I lose them to spoilage.

Tomorrow, I leave early for my appointment at the dermatologist. Should be home way before Noon, and I hope to have the energy to carry the folding tables to the shed, plus a few other things (signs for my space, dolly, etc.). Thursday is the larger food pantry and that is a waiting game - it takes a couple of hours but it’s worth it - I think of it as a shopping trip. Then I spend a while sorting it and putting it away. Friday morning is my charity crafters session and Saturday I hope to take the yard sale leftovers to a family I know nearby. Saturday and Sunday I begin setting up the next newsletter...and on we go...

My one big concern in the back of my mind is that an awful lot of what I must do requires me to drive the car and I only have enough for roughly half the spark plug job so I am really driving on a wing and a prayer until my funds come in on the 3rd...but it is what it is.

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