Sunday, August 20, 2017

Worried About Dear Friend in Need of Big Prayers

Even though it was not 110 and above today in Vegas, it was over 100. One of my dear friends had her AC suddenly blow when a power outage was restored and the resulting power surge blew the unit.

This is a very dear woman whose heart is enormous and who will pray for others in a heartbeat and with all her heart and faith. She will help others in whatever way she can.

And now she needs prayers, big time. They just got a new used car with issues, they cannot live in their home for a while until the unit is replaced, and they have no clue how to finance that.

Prayers, please, big time? This is a very frightening and very tough problem - they have to stay with others until this is resolved.

Lord Jesus, you lived and traveled desert climes. You know the heat. And you had dear friends in need along your own earthly path. Look lovingly, kindly, and compassionately upon this woman who loves you so much. We trust in you.

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