January. Where on earth did it go? I feel like I was shot
out of a cannon at midnight, New Year’s Eve, right into 2017 and have not
There were all sorts of plans. There were even two very good
New Year’s Resolutions that I was sure I could keep.
Just for laughs - those resolutions were:
First - I would begin on January 1 to make something, at
least one item a week (better yet, one a day), to put into a tote for year-end
gift giving. I love having token hand-made gifts for year-end handouts. Each
year, I do try to do this. And each year, I end up going crazy the last two
weeks before Christmas.
Second - I would make a “time budget.” I have been running
around like the clichéd chicken without a head, busy, busy, busy, but not
accomplishing half of what I wanted to do. Simply pretending I was my boss, and
making myself a work-schedule, of sorts, might help a lot.
Those were for your entertainment. I have not made a move on
either one. Not yet, at least.
Thankfully, I’m a stubborn old gal. I refuse to give in on
this. Those were two very good resolutions. And just because I did not get the
January 1st start that I’d hoped for, it does not mean I should drop them
So, up and at ‘em, old gal. Let’s give it the old Philly
girl try - I’m on a cliché kick - If at first I don’t succeed, I’ll try, try
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